IROKO Cultural Olympiad 2008-2011

We are proud to announce that Newham Council, under its Service Specification 2 (Building an Active & Inclusive Community) has commissioned IROKO Theatre Company to delivery IROKO Cultural Olympiad Project 2008-2011.

We are proud to announce that Newham Council, under its Service Specification 2 (Building an Active & Inclusive Community) has commissioned IROKO Theatre Company to delivery IROKO Cultural Olympiad Project 2008-2011.

The £55,000 will enable IROKO to use themed performances and workshops in traditional African theatre incorporating storytelling, drama, music, dance, movement, arts and crafts as a vehicle to encourage increased access and participation by people of varied cultural backgrounds and abilities in the arts, particularly African arts and culture.

The title incorporates the term ‘Olympiad’ because we hope to engender the Olympic spirit in Newham residents and volunteers. One of the outcomes we are seeking is to motivate our beneficiaries to play a more active role in the 2012 games and the run up to them.

About Author: Akshay Neema

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