African Symbols and Pictographs
African Symbols and Pictographs
The creative arts workshop will introduce participants to various African non-verbal communication symbols and pictographs e.g. Adinkra, Nsibidi, Uli, Aroko, etc. The hands-on workshop will inspire participants to use African and other non-verbal communication symbols and pictographs to communicate ideas, feelings, emotions and moods through colouring, drawing or design activities Read More.
Despite the common presence of African symbols and pictographs in museums and modern African/Western designs, patterns, arts and artefacts, the messages conveyed through this non-verbal communication medium are not often understood. Participants will learn the meanings of the symbols and pictographs and how they are used in historical, social and contemporary contexts to communicate or form ideas. They will be inspired to use the symbols and pictographs to express their feelings, thoughts and ideas through creative means like designing greeting cards, posters, logos, slogans or more elaborate art work, etc.
Benefits include enhanced:
- Confidence and communication skills, especially for participants with language and communication disabilities;
- Ability in colouring, drawing, painting and design;
- Ability to use non-verbal means to communicate ideas, feelings, emotions and moods;
- Knowledge and understanding of African non-verbal communication means and their historical, cultural and contemporary contexts.